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Spring Breast Cancer Awareness Lunch & Learn
Sponsored by Trigg County Hospital Mammography Department
Tuesday February 14, 2017 12:00 - 1:30 pm
Renaissance Center
49 Jefferson Street - Cadiz, KY 42211
Featured guest speaker:
Dr. Andrea Nicole Cole, Lead Interpreting Radiologist for Mammography and Breast Ultra-Sound
Please RSVP!
The event and lunch are free but we do need an accurate head count.
Call Radiology at (270) 206-3638 to reserve your spot at this fun and informative Lunch & Learn.
Trigg County Hospital Mammography Department
254 Main Street, Cadiz, KY 42211
Phone (270) 206-3638 Fax (270) 522-5438
Trigg County Hospital Mammography Department is pleased to invite you to our Spring Breast Cancer Awareness Lunch and Learn featuring Dr. Andrea Nicole Cole. This free event will be held Tuesday, February 14th, 2017 from 12:00 - 1:30 pm at the Renaissance Center in downtown Cadiz.
Dr. Andrea Cole is now our Lead Interpreting Radiologist for Mammography and Breast Ultra-Sound. Dr. Cole is board certified and this area's only fellowship trained mammography radiologist. She completed her radiology residency at Tuft's University in Boston, MA and completed her Breast Imaging fellowship at Harvard University in Cambridge, MA. This is the perfect opportunity to meet and visit with Dr. Cole.
Also speaking at this event will be Mrs. Merry Woolsey RN, an employee at Trigg County Hospital and breast cancer survivor. Her personal battle with breast cancer is a truly inspirational testimony.
Trigg County Hospital Mammography truly appreciates you as a patient. We know there are many choices where a patient may go for their mammograms. Trigg County Mammography offers FFDM - Full Field Digital Mammography with annual screenings, diagnostic exams and breast ultra-sounds. Most diagnostic exams are read by the radiologist while the patient is here.
Annual mammograms can detect breast cancer early, when it is most treatable. Mammograms show changes up to 2 years before a patient or physician can feel them. Current guidelines from the American College of Radiology and the Society of Breast Imaging recommend that women receive annual mammograms starting at age 40, even if they have no symptoms or family history of breast cancer. ¾ of women diagnosed with breast cancer have no family history of the disease and are not considered high risk.
We ask that you contact our office to let us know if you plan to attend our Spring Breast Cancer Awareness Lunch and Learn. The event is free but we do need a head count to have enough food prepared for lunch. Once again, thank you for your patronage. Trigg County Hospital Mammography will continue to do our best to take care of you.
Trigg County Mammography and Ultra-Sound Team,
Rebecca, Lori, Jodi and Shiloh